Sunday, August 06, 2006

Overdue Pictures

I promised more pictures from my vacations, and here's the first:

This is the monestary at the sumit of Mt. Tabor. We were'nt allowed in because 1) we were wearing shorts and t-shirts, not OK clothes for the holy site and 2) we were filthy and sweaty by this point because we had been climbing up steep, dirty trails.

Earlier that same day we were in an ancient city (I don't remember which one, we visited so many!) and the amazing Henry Barkley caught this tiny lizard. He says that it is a miniature chameleon, and that these are not common. I later learned from some Israelis I spoke to that these lizards are not especially unusual.

This is a panorama I took of the Bahai Gardens in Haifa. We could only look from the top, but that was enough to get this image. The original is many times this size, over 4000 pixels wide!.


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